Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sweetheart Tag

1. What is your husband's name? Jared
2. How long have you guys been married? 3.5 years
3. How long did you date? six months
4. How old is he? 25 for few more days anyway
5. Who is taller? he is
6. Who can sing the best? he does
7. Who pays the bills? He makes the money, I write the checks
8. Who does the laundry? All me
9. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
10. Who mows the lawn? When he's home he does
11. Who cooks dinner? Usually me but he can warm up a mean can of chili in the microwave!
12. Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Neither of us has a problem with it
13. Who kissed who first? He kisses me....after he scared the crap out of me
14. Who wears the pants? We both do-ish

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